Bushels to kg and lbs Calculator for Grains
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Bushels to kg and lbs Calculator for Grains

Updated: May 15, 2022

What is Bushel?

Bushel (bsh. or bu.) is the volumetric measurement unit followed for more than 100 years till date for grains.

Back then, measuring per unit mass of commodities was difficult, but people had baskets of equal volume, so they used the same basket to measure different grains.

As we know that different grains/materials have different density, so even if they are measured in same "bushel" basket their mass will be obviously different.

The bushel unit is still in practice, and most of the grain index will be quoted in USD/bu. units. So we have developed a simple calculator to convert Bushels to Kilograms and Pounds for some of the grains including Wheat, Soybeans, Maize/Corn, Sorghum, Barley and Oats.

If Calculator is not working, visit this page: Bushels to Kg and Bushels to lbs Calculator (https://www.viyasgroup.com/bushel-to-kg-lbs-converter)

USD/bushel to USD/MT converter

We have also developed another calculator which can convert the USD/bushels to USD per MT (USD/MT) for the ease of trading conversion for the commodities such as Wheat, Peas, Maize, Soybeans, Barley, Oats Rye, Flax Seed, Canola, Mustard and Canary Seeds.

How to buy:

We are end supplier/exporter of Wheat, Maize/Corn, Soybean, IR 64 Rice, Basmati Rice, Indian Sugar and other agricultural commodities.

Visit www.viyasgroup.com/exports to know the ranges of product we deal.

Send your proper LOI with bank details and terms to info@viyasgroup.com /Ph: +91-7010225247

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